Statement from Hon Hai Technology Group (“Foxconn”):
Hon Hai Technology Group (Foxconn) (“the Company”) has been holding a positive attitude in conducting constructive negotiations with Lordstown Motors Corp (LMC) and in assisting LMC in finding a solution to its financial difficulties. However, during this time, LMC has continuously attempted to mislead the public and has been reluctant to perform the investment agreement between the two parties in accordance with its terms.
Foxconn originally hoped to continue discussions and reach a solution that could satisfy all stakeholders, without resorting to baseless legal actions, but so far the two parties have yet to reach a consensus.
Regarding LMC's litigation announcement today and the false comments and malicious attacks made by LMC in its external statements against Foxconn, the Company reserves the right to pursue legal actions and also suspends subsequent good faith negotiations.
針對Lordstown Motors Corp. (LMC) 不斷試圖誤導大眾,並且不願依約履行雙方的投資協議條款一事。鴻海公司這段時間一直持正面態度與LMC 進行建設性協商,協助其解決因營運所造成的財務困境。