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Hon Hai Group
Czech Republic
Questionnaire of Stakeholder Concerns

Dear Sir or Madam,
In order to better understand social responsibility and sustainability performance of "Hon Hai " (hereinafter referred to as "the group"), this questionnaire is aimed to analyze impacts of the group's operating performances on global economic development, social integration, and environmental protection. We hereby sincerely invite you to provide us with your valuable advice and suggestions, and we hope to understand your concerns as the important indicator for disclosing our corporate social responsibility report and sustainable development in the future.

Notes: There are a total of 17 issues below, and each issue needs to be answered. In order to increase the validity and accuracy of the survey, please make a big difference on scores, and try not to choose all the same answers.

What is your relationship with Hon Hai?/ What is your stakeholder identity?
Please tick the box indicating the degree of your concern on issues below:
extra low
entra high
1-1. Corporate governance and risk management
The composition and responsibilities of the board of directors, internal audits, company equity structure and shareholder rights, investor relations, risk management
1-2. Financial Performance
Group's operating income, costs, net profit, earnings per share (EPS), assets/liabilities, etc.
1-3. Ethical management and legal compliance
Compliance with laws and regulations (economic, social and environmental) and actions against corruption, unfair competition, trust and monopoly.
1-4. Innovation and R&D
Innovative R&D policies and directions (such as F3.0 transformation), R&D expenses, R&D achievements and performance, patent applications
1-5. Information security and customer privacy
Information security policies , information risk control, management measures on customers (such as confidentiality of customer information, customer product specifications)
1-6. Supply chain management
Supply chain management strategies, standards, management and audits, and promotion of suppliers' implementation of social responsibilities (such as RBA standards, RoHS, REACH, human rights, greenhouse gas reduction, etc.)
1-7. Procurement practices and management
Policies for purchasing raw materials, eliminating conflict minerals, green purchasing (such as reducing material consumption, choosing biodegradable, renewable materials, and easily recyclable materials), local purchasing
2-1. Climate change responses
The Group's strategy in response to climate change is Hon Hai's Climate Action 100+ Net Zero Goal and Commitment, which complies with the carbon emission policies of local governments, the goals of the Paris Agreement and take actions to fulfill goals proposed by the Climate Action 100+ Steering Committee
2-2. Energy and greenhouse gas management
Energy use, clean energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution management, and related reduction plans and measures
2-3. Water management
Water usage and emissions (including sewage), and related reduction plans and measures
2-4. Waste management
General waste and hazardous waste disposal, treatment methods, reduction, and recycling, and all meet international requirements (such as WEEE)
2-5. Hazardous substances management
Hazardous substances control and use, and all meet international requirements (such as RoHS, REACH)
3-1. Talent attraction and retention
Employment rate, turnover rate, benefits, regular performance review, salary system, and Empoyee Assistant Program (EAP), etc.
3-2. Employee rights and diverse equality
Employee diversity, gender equality, anti-discrimination, human rights issues (such as indigenous people, child labor, etc.), and employee rights (such as management and labor council, labor unions, etc.)
3-3. Employee training
Employee education and training policies (including foundational management, middle and top management ) , implementation plans, and employee training hours per year
3-4. Occupational health and safety
Occupational health and safety management policies for employees and contractors, such as occupational accident rate, occupational diseases, employee health promotion, etc.
3-5. Community investment and participation
The policy and planning of the resources invested by the group in the community (such as the Hon Hai Education Foundation's project plan), as well as communication with the local community